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Eagle Medicine for Navigating Troubling Times

Opening the East Gate, where the sun rises, the place of new beginnings. I call upon the

medicine of the Eagle, the Great Winged One. I wear this beautiful sacred representation of Eagle as a physical reminder of its medicine: the courage and potential to soar on wings of love, to use adversity as fuel to reach new heights, and to see life with clear vision and perspective.

Such medicine is exactly what the collective needs most right now.

As I shift my focus inward,

as we are all being asked to do—a collective “time-in,” I call upon my guides to help me

navigate these unprecedented global shifts with ease and grace. As I connect with Eagle, I am

reminded that I can fly above the storm, that I have the freedom and courage to look ahead, that

the circle of life is perfectly in balance so there is nothing to fear. Eagle shows me that amidst the chaos, pain, and confusion, lies a powerful invitation for all of humanity--an opportunity to swoop down, and peer in to the depths of our souls

to see with clear vision where we were depleting ourselves and depleting the planet; where we continue to hide and live inauthentically; where we can begin to courageously excavate our truths, assess our value systems, eradicate old belief systems, and recalibrate our energy.

Through stillness, calm abiding, and surrender, all of this is possible. Like the Eagle who can remain perched on a limb, we are being invited to sit, to be, to examine, to notice, to get curious, to patiently await our rebirth and reentry. Our great Winged One reminds us that we have the strength and fortitude to step out into the unknown, with grace and love, breaking out of the confines of the cages of comfort, to create a brave new world.

May we come out of this with clear vision—so that we can see the big picture and not get caught up in the minutia of the material earth plane. We are being called to see life from a different vantage point—as Eagle takes an aerial view. We see the fear and the destruction, and we also see the massive opportunity here for a global transformation.

Eagle invites us to consider: When your cage doors open, and you are permitted to fly, how will you emerge? How will you soar?

And so I pray,

Oh Great Eagle of the East, take us under your wings and remind us that we are held, safe, loved, and strong. Bring us to the tops of the highest mountains that we dream to climb, to show us our pure potential, and to see this time of chaos as a divine catalyst for powerful transformation. Remind us that we have eyes capable of wide-angle vision, and an inner sense of wisdom that will be the fuel for our wings to take flight. Oh great winged one, remind us of our alchemical powers to transmute fear into trust, such that we can loosen our grip and surrender. Help us to trust, as you do, in the winds of change, that carry out what no longer serves, just as it ushers in new life and opportunity. Powerful and graceful Eagle, please guide us to live sacred lives in which we see magic in the mundane. May we take this opportunity to find liberation in this great dance of life, no longer bound by shackles of fear and shame, and instead free with wings of love. And may we never ever forget again the beautiful interconnectedness between all beings in existence. Eagle, our sacred messenger, please carry these and all of our deepest prayers and

intentions to the divine creator as we dance our dance.


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